Our Story

"Art and Music shine a light of meaning on ordinary life, and through them we are able to confront the things that trouble us and to find consolation and peace in their presence"

- Roger Scruton


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Our story

IgFAM (Igor Galitskiy Foundation for Arts and Music) is a non-profit organization created in 2020 to assist our youth in receiving an education in ARTS and MUSIC by providing grants, workshops and other educational initiatives.

IgFAM helps individuals from all backgrounds and embraces all forms of ARTS and MUSIC. Our VISION and INSPIRATION came from the life and dreams of IGOR GALITSKIY’S, beautiful mind and soul, who is gone too soon from this earth and guiding us through the light of ARTS and MUSIC.

Igor lived his life surrounded by and fully immersed in art. Whether he was producing music, dancing to music, creating art, or collecting someone else’s - he made his life experiences and decisions through whatever vision a specific piece of art was giving him at that time. With how art impacted Igor and gave him the freedom to live how he saw fit, which was limitless, we want IgFAM to provide the same for someone else. Someone who may not have but need the resources in order to live their passion, enhance their vision, and assist with the education of their choice.

All donations will form grants for artists in need. Our goal is to help as many artists as possible. Not having the finances, tools or resources shouldn’t be a reason to not live out your dreams and that’s why we created this foundation. Igors vision for himself and for others has left us with a mission to do the same for someone in need. Igor left a huge impact on everyone, whether it was for 2 hours, 2 years, or a lifetime.

About Igor Galitskiy

…That warms my heart and makes me tear up that you’re able to channel Igor’s energy thru my art! I wish I got to know him more but he already played a big role in my life by supporting me, his impact will carry on, like inertia - Jeremy

“I can feel his light all around us” - Allisa

“I wholeheartedly believe Igor left a legacy inside each and every single person he came across” - Josh

“A true star amongst men.” - Lena

“He supported my art from the very first moment that he met me.” - Danny

“Igor saved my life more than once.” - Alora

“From your extremely contagious smile, to your absolute love of life and friendship, you my friend… were a treasure.” -Harold

“Your energy transcends any space, time, or realm. You gave us all some of the best memories of our lifetime.” - Parisha

“To us that understand the visions he had, hopefully we can still bring them to light.” -Marché

“Igor, an amazing soul the universe blessed me.” - Christina

“You believed in people when no one else would and helped everyone around you grow.” - Doug

“The undeniably, unforgettable, uncanny, unmatched Cap’n Igor Galitskiy” - Jeff

Contact Us

Cherry Hill

(609) 217-3242


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